The Flow of Life

Embracing the flow of life can be challenging, but with the right tools it is possible. Picture the river of your life, it might be deep, it might be rapid, and there may even be several obstacles standing in your way. Are you in the flow or are you resisting the natural movement of your life?

Take a Seat, Press Play, and Lets Meditate


Connect with Corinne

Corinne Ferrell is the founder and ownder of Balance Yoga in Forty Fort, Pennsylvania. Visit her on instagram @Crinne8 or check out her studio and trainings at

Are You Doing This in Your Backbends? With Pam Godbois

Are You Doing This in Your Backbends? With Pam Godbois

Gluteus Maximus In the practice of yoga, I often hear well meaning teachers use the cue “relax the butt” positions that require hip extension, like backbends.  While I get the intention is to decrease the risk of lumbar spine compression in back bends, my question is,...

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